HAPPY NEW YEAR! Where is 2020 going to take you?
I have never really been one for new years resolutions or the notion of ‘new year, new me’. I do however, and I may be the only one, look forward to the return of January. Don’t get me wrong, December is my favourite time of year: catching up with family and friends, playing silly games, watching christmas specials on the sofa and of course the copious amounts of roast potatoes and prosecco. I am all for ‘everything in moderation’, but there is nothing moderate about the consumption of food and wine during the last few weeks of December…and my body is feeling it.
My fitness goals are forever evolving throughout the year, but during the festive season, I allow them to take a backseat. After a couple of weeks of overindulging, January is about picking up where I left off pre Christmas, without judgement or regret of the past weeks celebrations. Ultimately, you are still you when January comes around, but there is still this pressure to drop ‘bad habits’ and become new super healthy, squeaky clean version of yourself on January 1st. For me, Christmas is a time to let your hair down and yes, I do see January is a chance for a clean slate and a change, but this is mostly because it is the most practical time to do so. So, although I hate ‘New year, new me’, I do understand the idea that January is a time for goal setting and reflection.
My tips for goal setting are:
Keep them simple, attainable and realistic- Don’t take on too much, too soon. This is especially important if your goals are gym/sport related as a sharp increase in frequency/intensity of exercise is one of the leading causes of injury.
Make it a goal you can measure eg. ‘I want to be able to run 5K by the end of January’.
Write down and discuss your goals with other people.
Take on the challenge with a friend.
Don’t beat yourself up, there’s always tomorrow.
Reward yourself!!!
This year, I’ve set myself the goal of completing my first ever triathlon in August. I am normally pretty confident in creating my own training plans but as I’m new triathlons, I will be starting some new tri training groups this week. I’m excited to meet new people and learn a new skill, although I’m aware it’s going to be a gruelling challenge.
Anyway, whether you are setting goals or not this January, I hope you had an amazing festive season. Bring on January!
‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’
Please feel free to get in touch.